Marijuana at Burning Man This Year

playamarijuana2See below for an important message from the Marijuana Policy Project about the evolving laws around cannabis in Nevada and how you can prepare and participate.

The man burns in 16 days.

But cops are already hard at work aiming to burn Burners. They’re on the hunt to bust participants caught with marijuana, saddling them with a hefty $600 fine and a misdemeanor conviction.  A judge and prosecutor are even relocated to the playa for the week to promptly collect fines and process paperwork on site.

But we are improving the Nevada marijuana laws!  If you are a medical marijuana patient, bring your patient ID card from your home state. It should protect you from the Nevada state and local cops, due to a new reciprocity law.  And this year, patients from any state can now buy marijuana in Nevada dispensaries.  But since Black Rock City is patrolled by federal rangers, who don’t follow state law, not even patients are fully protected at the event.

We deserve better. It’s up to all of us to create a more civil society where marijuana users aren’t targeted, harassed, and treated like criminals.

At the Marijuana Policy Project, we’re committed to ending state and federal marijuana prohibition. This change is possible, but participation is key. We invite you to join us Please help us promote freedom and liberty by giving a financial gift toward our efforts.

Together, we can end prohibition.

Thank you,

Rob Kampia
Executive Director
Marijuana Policy Project
Washington, D.C.

P.S. We’re also hard at work managing several ballot initiative campaigns to tax and regulate marijuana in November 2016 in states like Arizona, California, and Nevada. With each of these victories, nationwide legal marijuana will be that much closer. (Please note that donations to MPP will be used to support MPP generally; donations to MPP cannot be earmarked for a ballot initiative. If you would like to support a ballot initiative, please donate to that state’s ballot campaign committee.)

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